
Video: Curtain Call For The Bowling Guy

What a day this was.

For those who don’t know or haven’t listened yet – I’ve legitimately been trying to get this guy on the show since February. I would call and call and call and he would always brush me to the side until I decided I had to go into the shop and do some recon.

I knew that there was no way he would turn me down face to face…until he did. He told me that he was too busy in February and to come back in the Winter while also repeatedly asking me how much it was going to cost him to do the interview.

Well, I finally was able to convince him and secured my white whale. It wasn’t easy either. When I called him two weeks ago I said “Hey Mr. Simmons, you told me to come back in the Summer is it okay if I swing by on Wednesday for the interview?” and he instantly responded with “Well, it’s a little past Summer now”.

Just incredible. I knew exactly how he would be and I loved every second of it.

Hope you all enjoyed too.

Do you have somebody that you think would be interesting on the show? Email me at

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