It is With a Heavy Heart We Bid Farewell to Jackson Mahomes, Who Says We Won't Be Seeing Him Once TikTok is Banned
Apparently There's a Guy Calling Librarians and Masturbating While They Read a Specific Supreme Court Case
The NCAA's Rules Are So Damn Stupid The Supreme Court Actually Voted UNANIMOUSLY To Help Players Get More Compensation
The Supreme Court OBLITERATED The NCAA During Its Hearing For Player Compensation Before It Went Off The Damn Rails
Hard FactorHard Factor 6/16: Featuring Journalist Julio Rosas on Rubber Bullets and His Week Spent in the Communist Dystopian "CHAZ"
Hard FactorHARD FACTOR 5/29: SCOTUS OKs Abortion Law, Woman in Hawaii Lost in the Woods, and a Florida Special
85-year-old Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Fell And Broke 3 Ribs But, Importantly, Continues To Be Alive
Hard FactorHard Factor 9/24: Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings, Mattress Murder in TX, and Colombian Coke Bananas
Hard FactorHard Factor 9/5: New Trump Book, Nike/Kap, Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing, and an FBI Ruby Slippers Bust