
Last Night Jim Carrey Crashed Jeff Daniels' Conan Interview For A Dumb & Dumber Reunion And It Was Absolutely Hilarious

This is the Jim Carrey I miss. When he’s on and engaged he’s one of the most charismatic, hilarious humans on earth. I just wish he was consistent. It seems like every time we hear about him now it’s over a political drawing or a wrongful death suit that an ex-girlfriend’s family filed against him. Regardless, it was spectacular. The second he popped his head out from backstage you knew he was on. He was rocking the exact same look as when he used to crush stand up in the late nineties.

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The chemistry between the two of them hasn’t changed either. It was like watching two old friends pick up right where they left off. The only thing that would’ve made it better is if they got into character. That or I would’ve loved to see him big-gulps his way off stage mid-conversation.

It’s interviews like these that make me realize why Conan is the best late night show on television. If you put those two on Fallon or Kimmel it immediately becomes about them. Conan’s been around long enough to know when to take a back seat and just let things happen. Last night was a perfect example. They weren’t plugging anything, they were just shooting the shit. Will we see another Dumb & Dumber? I don’t know and I don’t care. As long as we keep getting little snippets like this I’ll be satisfied.