
"A Tribute To The Fallen Heroes Of The Process" Is A Fitting Walk Through The Shit Of Memory Lane

RIPIP to the greats – er, mostly average to downright shittastic. Just like the Gerald Honeycutt’s, Pepe Sanchez’s, and Rex Walters’s before their time, now these fallen angels belong to the ages. Pretty soon these almighty figures are going to have the distinction of only being mentioned in casual bar conversations like “Hey, do you remember Thomas Robinson or Henry Sims? Me neither.” With the likes of Ben Simmons dropping a triple double every night, I pushed most of these guys far out of my mind. I mean, Kwame Brown started his career as the #1 overall pick with the Wizards, dicked his way through 5 other teams, then finally ended his days in The Process. KWAME BROWN. Sure, there were some highlights. MCW’s 2014 ROY campaign. The names Luc Mbah a Moute and Sauce Castillo. KJ McDaniels’ batshit mother. All faded memories in the dust of The Process. As they should be.

Hinkie did indeed die for our sins. As for now, the Sixers yesterday recorded 50 wins for the first time since the Finals year of 2001. Thats’s 14-wins in a row, tying the franchise record. Yeah, this team is ready to beat some cheeks in the East. Cue it. Cue it hard.