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Bill Burr's Rant About Invisalign Dubbed Over A Real Invisalign Commercial Is The Best Ad You Will See Today

Informative AND entertaining! You know you are fucking incredible at your job/life when you can make an Invisalign commercial not only watchable but funny as hell. Billy Mays was able to sling As Seen On TV shit into your living room thanks to him having the energy of a coked out maniac. The Shake Weight moved units because the commercial was pretty much softcore porn.

But a product that straightens teeth out isn’t quite as easy to sell unless you have Bill Burr repping you. I would 1000% have gone with Invisalign instead of the 2.5 years of pure braces agony if Invisalign and that commercial were out when I was an awkward middle schooler. Oh I get to change the colors of the rubber bands to my favorite in-season team? Get the fuck out of my face “doc” and give me what Ol’ Billy Straight Teeth used!

That commercial should be what the future of advertising looks like. I know that there are some older or lamer people that would write a VERY stern letter to Invisalign after they saw a commercial with a few F-Bombs. But those people suck. Fuck them. Most people will turn their brains off whenever a commercial is on TV or the internet. But those people would actually pay attention if that commercial came with a free Bill Burr rant. It’s the same reason Bill Burr announcing at Rough N Rowdy 3 is going to be so great. Yeah boxing announcers on other networks can break down the sweet science down to the atom. But none of them can make an Invisalign commercial interesting and blogworthy. So do the right thing Invisalign and move that commercial to market. And for the Stoolies out there that are going to watch Rough N Rowdy 3 on April 13th, preorder it now for $15.99 before the price goes up to $19.99 on fight night. Rough N Rowdy is the only event on the planet where you know the events in the ring will be a 10/10 as will the calls from the announcers booth. With Bill Burr on the mic next to Pres and Big Cat, that number may rise to 15/10.