
Girl Has So Much Fun on a Roller Coaster She Screams Bloody Murder And Passes Out Mid-Ride

Just a fantastic video all around. First off, a lot of credit has to go to the guy for somehow holding onto his phone the entire time as he captures this girl Naya encounter her absolute least favorite thing in the history of life: roller coasters. There’s zero chance I don’t drop my phone during that ride, zero.

When the dude says “hands up, hands up” that’s when Naya loses her goddamn mind. He’s having the time of his life and she’d rather be getting stabbed in the chest with a knife. She could have stumbled upon a Tyrannosaurus Rex and the screams would be quieter than the moment they go through the first loop on this baby roller coaster. You almost think to that point it’s a fake video but then it happens.

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Out for the count, as she screams herself into a coma. The screenshot of this guy having the most fun of his entire life while this girl is unconscious like Tyson got a clean shot in is incredible. Someone edited this to add the Microsoft on/off sound effect for when she knocks out and comes back to life. It’s perfect.

Waking up thinking your nightmare rollercoaster was just a dream only to still be on it is quite the realization. I think my heart would explode. What a date. Maybe it was out of Feits’ romantic advice of taking your girl to her least favorite place and try to make it fun. Did it work here? I’m going to side with a no out of pure gut, but maybe I’m wrong. Either way, that scream is a no from me dawg. You just can’t have that on a baby roller coaster. Imagine bringing her on Kingda Ka? They have this one right by my house in Jersey and it’s a death trap. You have to be a special kind of psycho to enjoy going on that ride: 420 foot drop going 128 mph. Yeah, no thanks.

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I’m not the biggest fan of roller coasters myself. When I went to Six Flags as a camp counselor I would just take all my kids’ meal vouchers while they went on every ride in the park and played a little game I like to call “How much weight can I gain off chicken fingers and fries in five hours?” It’s a lot of fun, but also is a direct path to diabetes.