
Would You Rather Get Dunked On Or Have Your Ankles Broken?


By now we all know what Harden did last night, and while NBA Twitter was going wild, I came across this question that I thought was a pretty good debate

First, poor Brandon Knight just getting murdered every way possible, that’s unfortunate. But Josh poses a good question, what’s worse to have happen to you on the basketball court? What I love about this is it applies to all levels of basketball. With how good kids are nowadays, we see clip after clip of dudes like Zion Williamson murdering people so it’s not a hypothetical that isn’t relatable even though it’s posed as an NBA question.

Basically would you choose this?

Or would you rather have this happen to you?


For me, it’s a no brainer. You can dunk me right into the ground before I ever willingly choose to get my ankles destroyed on the court. My reasoning is pretty simple, usually when you get dunked on it comes with you still trying to make a defensive play. You’re trying to challenge the shot, you just get shat on by the opposing player. Even something as awful as the Jason Terry dunk, at least he gave an effort. There was honor in his death. When you get put on skates and look like a fool, there is no honor in that. I think when as fans we see these two plays our reactions are a bit different. The dunk celebration is more of shock, when we see some get chopped up it’s more of a embarrassment thing. More of an OOOOOOOOO!!! than an OHHHHHHHH!!!! if that makes any sense.

When you get dunked on like that, there isn’s as much one on one setup either. Like if you’re on the wrong end of an alley oop there’s not much you can do. But when someone clears out and breaks you down only to set you up for something that will result in you getting roasted on the internet forever, that’s a million times worse in my opinion. You know it’s coming and not only can you not stop it, but you will be made a fool of.

So I’m Team Get Dunked On 100 times out of 100. What say you?