
Hope Hicks' Concern Level About Testifying On Capitol Hill Today: Zero!

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I’ve said it before and I hate to have to keep saying it because I don’t like proving other people wrong it’s not in my blood but everyone continues to want to paint this narrative that Hope is a battered down, weak, vulnerable communications director and she continues to stunt on those haters. Stunting left and right. Stunt City through the halls of Capitol Hill no less looking blazing hot and laughing it up with her lawyer. Is she going to testify in front of Congress or to happy hour with her squad? Impossible to tell. I know a lot of you more shallow folks look at Hope and see just a piece of meat hanging in the West Wing only to be constantly gawked and whistled at, but I see a strong, smart, resilient and independent presence among a chaotic landscape. Proud of Hope today but more importantly proud of myself for being right about Hope. I pray and hope this will one day bring us together. I hope Hope hopes so too.

Regardless, I’ll be on the wall.