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I'm Still Having Difficulty Understanding This Filthy Shootout Move From Tomas Tatar

I mean. I understand physically what he does here.

It’s not your standard, run-of-the-mill forehand backhand forehand move. It’s a little silkier than that. It’s like a mini-drag to back toe drag and then back to the forehand roof job. Also caps it all off with a perfect “Are You Not Entertained?” celly.

What I don’t understand is how any of this is possible. Tatar starts his move from the bottom hashmark. Which is pretty standard but he only has a few feet of space to work with here to make his move. Then some he he manages to drag past Martin Jones’ poke check and still finds a way to send this one on an elevator to the back bar. All while looking smoother than the finest silk the world has ever known.

Odporný. Which is “disgusting” in Slovak for all you uncultured swine out there who can’t speak Slovak.
