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James Harrison Has His New Custom AK-47 Just in Time for the Playoffs

That new Deebo Draco????????

A post shared by James Harrison (@jhharrison92) on


That is one sweet hand cannon, James Harrison. According to my go-to site for weaponry Classic Firearms, the Draco is a semi-automatic pistol version of the popular AK-47, with a 12.25 barrel, wood forend, black finish and a 30-round magazine that retails for about 600 bucks. And it’s just perfect for all your semi-automatic pistol needs. I don’t know what it cost to customize it and I don’t care. Because I want nothing but the best for Deebo. When you come to a first rate organization that spares no expense, from their state of the art stadium to their own air force, you don’t cheap out when it comes to your personal protection. The Framers of the Constitution would’ve wanted Harrison carrying a banana clip filled with 7.62×39mm rounds and so do I. As a matter of fact, since it’s playoff time, I want him armed like John Wick tossing gold coins around at The Sommelier:

Sure, some people will have a problem with this. They’ll say it’s in bad taste for a guy on Aaron Hernandez’ team to be posting pictures of instruments built to spit hot, rapid-fire death. Or they’ll worry he’ll shoot his eye out. But they’re just being pussies who don’t appreciate what a badass James Harrison is. And the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Because the only thing more intimidating than having to play a dynasty in the playoffs is facing a defensive end who owns a custom made weapon of mass destruction. Way to go, Deebo. God bless ‘Murica.
