
The National Championship Had Some Electric Moments In The First Half


Alabama getting doubled up in yards, Jalen Hurts with a smooth 21 yards passing, Cavin Ridley putting up more yards than Calvin Ridley much like we all expected. And before it kicked off we were blessed with the president of these great United States coming out to grace us with his presence for the National Anthem.

Close enough!

Meanwhile, Fromm’s out there spinning the pigskin with a quiet cockiness these eyes haven’t seen in some time.

This kid continues to look like the realest of real deals and at this point we can only hope that the Browns figure out a way to win three games when he’s finally eligible so they don’t get a chance to ruin him. He deserves much better than that.

As for Bama, the only thing close to a highlight for them outside of the interception on the third play of the game was Da’Ron Payne going all out NFL Blitz on a play that was very much over before he even got near it.

Whistles blowing, forward progress the most stopped, Payne still took a full gather before frog splashing on top of this pile of mostly his own teammates. First round grade based solely on this kind of motor and verticality displayed in such a short period of time.