
ESPN Vs. Science Results In A Resounding Win For Science

This may surprise some of you guys, but I’m not some fancy pants scientist who claims to know anything about freezing water. But, despite what you may have read, my eyes do work. 20/20 vision like you read about. And if I were holding a glass of water which I was trying to pass off as ice to demonstrate that it can, in fact, get cold outside in the wintertime in New England, I reckon I’d look at said glass before turning it upside down. They’d cut to me and I’d just be holding a glass of water, try and make it seem like I was just drinking some water out of a glass outside. Definitely wouldn’t turn it upside down and fall into an awkward silence like some weird knockoff Molly Shannon SNL skit.

Also, not for nothing, but one of the producers here could’ve taken the .2 seconds to Google this shit and realize 15 minutes wasn’t even close to enough time to pull off this charade. I hope the next time it’s hot at a baseball game they have a reporter try to fry an egg on home plate and become perplexed as to why there isn’t a crisp over-easy on their screen.

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