
NOT BLOGWORTHY: I Have Decided To Not Blog About Marcellus Wiley Eating 10 Chicken Tacos Covered In Ketchup


I have decided to not blog about Marcellus Wiley eating 10 chicken tacos covered with ketchup. While the premise is funny, I dont think there’s enough material to carry an entire blog. I wrestled with this idea all morning and spoke with my friend Big Cat (Dan Katz) about it. Big cat said to me in private,

Big Cat has been blogging MUCH longer than I have and knows a good joke when he sees one. If there’s isnt enough raw meat in Marcellus’ tweet, I’m not gonna grill that meat on the blog. Simple as that.

I would like to apologize to anyone who was looking forward to the possible blog (ketchup tacos). We will recover from this and write another blog for later in the day. Thank you. Merry Christmas. Namaste. Blessed Be. Good work, everybody.