
Woman Rolls Up To A Burning House And Streams Everything On Facebook Live As An ELECTRIC "Volunteer" News Reporter

*Warning: Loud sirens for the first 15 seconds or so*

Lets skip all the nonsensical processes and just give Rhoda Young a motherfucking Pulitzer right this minute. That was the most incredible reporting I have ever seen in my life. I know Capital J Journos will say that journalism is a craft that has to be honed and crafted for years in order to be perfected. But Rhoda just happened to arrive at an “active house fire” as a rookie and put up Mike Trout numbers right in that fire’s face while also throwing shade all over WAVY TV 10 for not being on the scene. Incredible. I guess I can dock a point or two for having a vertical camera the entire time, but we’ll chalk that up as growing pains. Getting all up in everyone’s business is something you simply can’t teach a reporter.

And not only does Rhoda do a great job reporting, but she basically solves the entire case right on the scene. It was (allegedly) the bearded dude with the matches in the bedroom.

Seeing that guy go from down on his luck home owner drinking his sorrows away


To perp


Was nothing short of breathtaking. And Rhoda called it all from the jump, while also learning to put the word “allegedly” in front of every other word she says. It takes a blogger years and/or a few lawsuit threats to learn that lesson. I don’t know what BNN’s operating budget looks like, but we need to open up a few bucks to change Rhoda from a volunteer reporter to a full-time reporter. You don’t let a shooting star like that pass by without trying to catch it.

h/t Ben