
The Outtakes Of Larry David Trying To Read Mean Tweets About Jimmy Kimmel Are Hilarious

That was very funny. It brings me a lot of joy to see Larry David laugh that much. He’s provided us with so many laughs over the years that it was good to see him on the other end. I mean he could barely get through those tweets. But my main takeaway was how clear it is that Larry David doesn’t have Twitter. Because those tweets weren’t even remotely mean. Or at least not mean in the world of Twitter. Saying somebody has fat rolls or that they’re not funny are entry level insults on the mean streets of Twitter. That barely scratches the surface. Although even if Larry David did have Twitter he would get exactly zero mean tweets. He’s maybe the most liked person on Earth. It’s a knockdown drag out fight between Larry and my friend The Rock for most liked person in the world. All I’m saying is those mean tweets are elementary. I still enjoyed seeing Larry David happy.

We even got the weird jaw laughter outta Larry on a few of those tweets

#ThrowbackWednesday to when a few of us bloggers read mean comments