Kanye West Made A Surprise Appearance At Kid Cudi's Show To Punctuate His Comeback From Dementia (Allegedly, Or Something)
Technically, Trent already blogged this. But I started writing it before him, and given that he writes one paragraph, he finished his version before me. If you like segmented, formatted writing, you’ll prefer this version. If you like, uhm, blobs of words, check out his. -Francis
I love it when massive superstars make surprise appearances at lesser-artists’ shows. Nothing against Kid Cudi, but he’s not Kanye West. And he’s especially not “just returned after a year of self-imposed looney bin commission.” Imagine if Jordan returned from his year of baseball, and in his first major public basketball game in over a year, he decided to play an exhibition for the Shanghai Sharks? (In this analogy, Kid Cudi is the Shanghai Sharks). The point is, if I’m Kid Cudi, I might not bring Kanye out because the moment he steps on that stage, it’s no longer your show. I certainly hope this was the last song Cudi sang because trying to return to your normal set after this would be a massive letdown for everyone in attendance. It would be like Michael Jordan coming out to play in your Shanghai Sharks game, dominating the 2nd quarter, and then leaving because he had other shit to do. Nobody is sticking around for quarters 3 and 4 of that game.

The flipside would be that bringing Kanye out makes you seem super cool by association. “Did you hear about Kid Cudi’s show last night? He brought Kanye West out of the nuthouse. They’re friends. They probably went out for quiche after.” It would be like if Michael Jordan came back from baseball, went to your birthday party, and then you both went out for quiche after. Everyone would be talking about it.
Anyway, I’m thrilled Kanye is back, if he is. Dude had a rough run of it there for a while–married a porn star, she gets “robbed” in Paris, Kanye’s uncle-in-law had to forfeit her olympic medals for becoming a woman, O.J. gets released from prison, and nobody is talking about Brody Jenner anymore. All these things are somehow major plot twists in the family tree in which Kanye planted his seed. No wonder he went bats.
PS- the time Eminem showed up Drake’s show in Detroit is still my favorite GOAT, which is redundant but so is RIPIP and we say it all the time