
Tour Player LAUNCHES His Putter Into The Woods After Missing A Putt

That dude DID NOT restrain himself. And you know what? Good for him. I wanna see professional golfers do this more often. They should do it more often. Think about it. All of us weekend hackers have probably done what that guy did. Maybe on multiple occasions even. We have gotten so mad at the game of golf that we launched a club into the woods or the pond or whatever. We do that and we don’t really have anything on the line except maybe pride and self worth. Professional golfers though? they have so much on the line. Their livelihood is on the line every time they go out. Their very existence depends on them playing well. We’ve watched guys not throw their putter after missing a putt that would earn them their PGA Tour card. How is the possible? I guess they’re “mature” and “adults” but that’s still crazy. It’s a minor miracle we don’t see pro golfers doing the putter throw more often. Throw your clubs, professional golfers. Give the people what they want.