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You Should Be Legally Allowed To Bite Someone If They Change A Joint Computer Password Without Consent


PALM BAY, Florida – A 53-year-old woman was arrested in Palm Bay after biting her husband when he changed their computer password at home.

Police said Mary Jo King, of Palm Bay, got into a verbal argument with her husband after he changed the computer password.

“The defendant then shouted that her husband knew the password before jumping on her husband’s back where she began striking him,” the officer said.
King’s son told police that he heard a loud verbal argument and observed his mother latched on his father’s back while biting his head.

Umm, you’re damn right she was latched on to his head. What else was she supposed to do in a time of dire need? You cant let someone lock you out of a joint computer. No way. No how. You do everything you can to secure that password and start surfing the net again.

The fact that this lady was even transported to the jail and charged makes me mad!

“How mad, Chaps?”

Buddy,,, I’m so mad I could spit!

Now, I’m not normally the kinda fella who spits in the house. I don’t chew tobacco or anything like that. It makes me dizzy! Additionally, hydration is paramount so I don’t just go spitting my fluids with a reckless abandon. I also don’t go changing the passwords on the electronics in my house because I don’t want my wife attached to the back of my melon like some meth’d-out woman in South Florida who looks like she hasn’t used a sanitary napkin in decades. Gross! Perhaps that’s what happened after all. Maybe the husband in question locked her out of the computer until she cleaned up her hygiene. Can’t blame him there. All he was trying to do was stop her from having the yeast infection of a lifetime and he ends up needing a tetanus shot which are pricy as hell because of fucking ObamaCare. Unbelievable. It’s high time Congress acts on health care reform so we aren’t stuck with more stories like this. Pray for the family, folks. They’ll need it.