
It Appears Brian Cashman Has No Idea Who The Next Yankees Manager Will Be, Has Lined up TWENTY FIVE Candidates For Interviews

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TWENTY FIVE. Jeez Louise that hurt my brain. Remember when Joe Torre didn’t come back in 2008 what the managerial race was like? There were three total candidates: Joe Girardi, Don Mattingly, and Tony Pena. We’re talking twenty five guys now? Holy hell am I being considered? Let’s just interview everyone in baseball while we’re at it. If we’re interviewing 25 guys for this job then A-Rod and Giambi better be on the goddamn list. It was assumed that when Girardi wasn’t asked back that there was a clear name in Cashman’s head to be the next guy. That appears to be laughably not the case.

I’d say based off what I’ve been reading the top 4 in the lead are Espada, Thomson, Mattingly (if he’s let go), and Pedrique (my pick) with Ibanez in play if he chooses to leave the Dodgers. But to be honest we might be looking at a ton of out of the box names at this point. TWENTY FIVE CANDIDATES. Utter insanity.

The scariest part of this is that the list is probably long enough to include Dusty Baker and Brad Ausmus which gives me a cold shiver down my spine.