
This Dog's Non-Stop Search for Chicken Nuggets in a Kitchen is Nothing Short of Inspiring

We always wonder what our dogs do when we leave the house? Do they sit next to the door waiting for us to come back? Do they sleep? Do you they chase their tail? Nope, they look for our food. The most impressive part of this video was moving the chair over so he could jump up on the counter. I mean I don’t think I’m smart enough to do that as a human being. If I’m watching my dog do this then literally anything is possible. Pure genius. Then he gets up on the counter and finds the toaster and figures out how to open it and slide out the nuggets for the win. Is this the smartest dog of all time?

This felt like watching the Velociraptor in Jurassic Park figure out how to open doors. I knew dogs were smart, but this is next level. I’m completely inspired by this good boy’s persistence to get those nuggets and I now have to judge my own dog differently. I’m depressed as hell about the Yankees, but this video cheered me up a bit. Maybe I’ll go to the gym tonight…alright McDonald’s it is.