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And Here We Have The Thiccest Hockey Fight There Ever Was

Get up, come on get down with the thiccness! You mother get up come on get down with the thiccness! Madness is the gift that has been given to me!

What a couple of gems we have here, eh? Both of these guys coming in looking like a couple of tubby orangutans on skates and throwing BOMBS. Apparently this is some sort of league in Quebec. Judging by the fact that there are coaches on the bench, music going during the fight and at least a dozen fans in the crowd, this isn’t a beer league. I mean, the guys might be drunk but I mean it’s not a beer league in the traditional sense. But also judging by the fact that these two goons alone probably weigh in at a combined 600 pounds, I don’t think this is the LNAH. Even that league has some sort of playing standard. (Sidenote: if you’re not familiar with the LNAH yet, get familiar with it. Basically just a fighting league where sometimes a hockey game is played). So basically what we’re left with here is some random league in Quebec that is somewhere between a beer league and a semi-professional league. In other words–paradise.

I love the shit out of both of these guys. Obviously they’re way too large to actually play out there. They’re not impacting the game at all in between the whistles. But they still suit up every night for their team. Why? Well because they need to waddle their thicc booties out there on the ice and beat the shit out of somebody to get the boys going on a nightly basis. The pureness of their goonery brings a tear to my eye. Even in a world riddled with clowns trying to take fighting out of the game, at least I can sleep easy at night knowing there are guys like this still out there somewhere. Make Hockey Violent Again.

P.S. – I could actually be very wrong about all of this. Look at the explosiveness here after the knockout punch.

Got a regular Fat Gretzky on our hands here.
