
Any Patriots Fan Who Booed Players Kneeling During The Anthem Yesterday Is A Fucking Moron

First of all, thank god these reports came from white guys and there’s even a video because otherwise there’d be no way for us to know if it was actually true or not.

Second of all, I’m not even going to get into the actual protest of racial inequality and police brutality (that is what it’s a protest of. It’s not a protest of the flag or the anthem just like sit ins weren’t a protest of brunch, it’s a protest that happens to take place during the anthem). I’m not going to get into it because who cares what I think about it. Also because I have a brain, so I can separate two different things and recognize that being unhappy with the current political climate and showing your unhappiness does not mean you can’t also respect the sacrifice that members of the military make for our country. A significant amount of those Patriots on one knee yesterday have immediate family members who served in the military, just so you know.

But booing during the anthem? While the song is being played? While Americans are exercising their rights to peaceful protest? Well if you do that then you’re the dumbest son of a bitch out there. Yes you still have your right to free speech and all that, but booing during the song is a tad more disruptive and confusing than quietly taking a knee and bowing your head.

I know it’s hard for us white folk to do this, but when black people are trying to make their voices heard sometimes it’s best to shut the fuck up and listen to them, and attempt to understand their side, rather than trying to yell over them and demanding they act how we want them to.