
For The Second Day In A Row, Jimmy Kimmel Devoted His Entire Monologue To Ripping Senator Bill Cassidy

Source - We told you yesterday that Jimmy Kimmel may be the only person in America who still has enough energy to fight another healthcare repeal, and last night the comedian proved he wasn’t finished fighting. During Jimmy Kimmel Live‘s opening monologue, Kimmel broke down the reactions his piece from earlier this week. 

Following his son’s health scare earlier this year, Kimmel has become a one man, late night army when it comes to healthcare and the Affordable Care Act. On Tuesday night, Kimmel criticized Senator Bill Cassidy as well as other GOP members of the Senate, tearing into them for trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act. 

Kimmel then said that the only reason he talks about healthcare so much is because his son had open heart surgery and has to undergo two more operations. This experience has made aware of the many children in this country who need the same procedures but don’t have the same amount of access that Kimmel does.

I’m torn on this one. On one hand I want Jimmy to talk about what’s important to him, that’s what we do at Barstool, and on the other I want to tell him to shut the fuck up. People watch late night to relax, not get wound up over the ins and outs of healthcare reform. To be fair, Cassidy insulted his intelligence which definitely warrants a response but not an entire monologue.  It’s your job to destroy him for wearing a toupee-  let Jon Oliver break down the intricacies of his policy. To be fair, he had some fantastic zingers. But they were directed at Brian Kilmeade, the news anchor who interviewed Cassidy.

“This is a guy, Brian Kilmeade, who whenever I see him kisses my ass like a little boy meeting Batman. He’s dying to be a member of the Hollywood elite. The only reason he’s not a member of the Hollywood elite is that no one will hire him to be one.”

That’s the Jimmy we know and love. Cutting right to the core of Brian’s existence. Although associating yourself with the Hollywood elite while attempting to relate to the American public seems counterproductive. Either way, telling someone you’re going to pound them after referring to them as a “phony little creep” is a burn.

It’s admirable that Kimmel is standing up for what he believes in, clearly healthcare reform hits close to home. But I want to see my late night hosts battle each other, not politicians. I get that it’s their job to keep them honest, but it’s too much. Politics are unavoidable to a degree but don’t make it personal. No one cares. Not when you’re a multimillionaire self-described member of the Hollywood elite. So while I can respect him defending his beliefs, I’d like him to dial it back.