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The DadBag Fanny Pack Is The Newest, Soon-To-Be Hottest Fashion Accessory On The Planet




Those who fancy themselves a dad bod every so often can now achieve it without having to change their lifestyles. Well, sort of. A dad bod bag, dubbed ‘The DadBag’ is here and it’s been made specifically for guys who want a dad bod but don’t want to put on any weight to achieve it. The DadBag is a bum bag that sits right across your stomach to give off the impression you’re slouching down with your belly hanging out. It’s round, it’s hairy, and it’s everything the DadBod aspires to be. And best of all, you can wear it anywhere you like – though we suggest taking it out in a public place so that your fake dad bod gets all the attention it really deserves.

The bag was made by London-based art director Albert Pukies, who was inspired to create it after longing for a dad bod himself. He said: ‘I made the DadBag because I’m desperate to have a dad bod but I’m also very concerned about the health risks associated with it.
‘The solution is quite simple, a bumbag with a proper dad belly printed on it. Now I can put on a dad bod whenever I feel like it and even store my valuables in it’.

Currently, and very sadly, the DadBag is not available to buy – however Albert is in talks with manufacturers and he’s also considering launching a Kickstarter campaign.

Oh fuck yeah! For years, myself and countless other super large humans have been patiently waiting for the pendulum to swing back and make fat vogue again. Anyone that took history in high school knows that kings, queens, and the culturally elite were amongst the fattest people on the planet because being huge was a sign of being rich as fuck. Broke bois and bitches could only dream of buying cake. You weren’t cool unless you were thicc back in the day. That’s probably how the phrase “Large in charge” got started. At some point, the tide turned on fat people. Likely around the time wearing bathing suits became en vogue and you couldn’t get away rocking puffy shirts or sweaters and leaning on your personality. Once Yo Mama So Fat jokes gripped the public consciousness, fat was the furthest thing from cool.

Speaking of high school, freshman year was around the last time I had a snowball’s chance in hell in fitting into anything remotely fashionable. But the Dad Bod and now the DadBag have swooped in and flipped the script on all that nonsense. Take the fanny packs of Disney and mix it with the guts seen in the white trash trailer parks of Florida and you have the hottest new trend on the planet. I bet the fine gentlemen at Failing Upwards, Barstool’s fantastic new fashion podcast, will give the DadBag two thumbs up. Raw. Unfiltered. But undeniably sexy. Slob chic is clearly the next big thing. Granted I will need to lose more than a few LBs to get my gut into DadBag shape. But the fact that the fashion industry is trending back in my direction makes me think that everything may start coming up gold for myself and all the other larger, confirmed sex havers of the world.

I love seeing Red Stripe get a shout out in the demo graphics. Those Hooray Beer commercials were always a welcome sight back in the day. If you give me a stubby brown bottle of Red Stripe, you have a friend forever.
