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Mayor Of South Carolina Town Pulled Over On A Lawn Mower, Drinking A Beer

WMBF News- The mayor of Aynor was stopped by Horry County Police last month while riding a lawnmower down the road, apparently with an open can of beer. An Horry County Police official confirmed the mayor was not cited or charged, and said that their officers’ response “will be a training opportunity” for their agency.

Horry County Police released dash camera video of officers stopping John Gardner as he drove the riding lawnmower down a two-lane road on Friday, August 25 at about 8:40 p.m.

At first, officers can be heard laughing at the sight of the lawnmower, but when Gardner didn’t stop the lawnmower for the police’s flashing blue lights, they continued the “slow-speed chase,” and pulled alongside him to get his attention.

Gardner, who is also the Chief Financial Officer for Horry County Schools, then stopped the lawnmower at an intersection and got off. While the male officer asked where Gardner was headed and why he didn’t stop for the police car behind him, the female officer noticed an open beer can in the mower’s cup holder.

The male officer told Gardner that there were no lights on his conveyance, and that no one could see him driving down the road.

Gardner said he was driving the lawnmower to his home up the road. At one point, Gardner asks, “You know who I am?” to which the male officer responds: “I know you.”

The male officer then said: “You put me in a spot,” and Gardner responded: “I know…I know…I apologize for that.”

Gardner explained that he went to fill the lawnmower with gas, and stopped when he saw the blue lights.

The male officer said that he is going to have Aynor come out to the scene, presumably meaning an Aynor Police officer.

Later during the stop, the male officer said: “I mean, because if it was me driving that car, even though I’m a police officer…you know what I’m saying – I’d be on the news…I’d hate to see you on the news.”

Gardner responded: “I’d hate to see myself on the news.”

The good old Mayor of Aynor. Sounds like a character in a nursery rhyme. The Mayor of Aynor had candor with condors. He drank Miller high life, en route to his wife, then hopped off his mower and gave her the pipe.

I’m not going to do some hacky bullshit about how this is the most southern thing I’ve ever seen, or say “welcome to South Carolina.” Because you know something? Everybody has weird mayors. Politicians do funky shit. Remember Eliot Spitzer, former governor of New York? He was caught frequenting a high-end hooker ring, and I’ll bet when the people of South Carolina saw that story, they said, “Welcome to New York. Must be nice to have high-end hookers.” Anthony Weiner, same deal. When he was caught sending wang pics to underage girls under the alias Carlos Danger, the people of South Carolina said, “Carlos Danger? Build the wall.” The point is, every state has their fair share of weirdos and whackos. Who am I to judge this town in South Carolina for electing a mayor that enjoys a good nighttime joyride on the lawn mower, fueled by a few miller high lifes?

Don’t hate the mayor asking the cop “you know who I am?” Total power move. Cop was probably going to give him a ticket until he reminded him that he’s the Mayor of Aynor, a savior of flavor.