
It's A Good Time To Remember That Men Protest Non-Consensual Circumcisions

This billboard was at Union Square yesterday, smack dab in the middle of New York. People flooded by, completely numb to the sign. As is custom, they stormed by as if the billboard was just another panhandler or dude pushing his mixtape or homeless man masturbating.

My immediate question was; why stop here? Of course these men are victims and should be treated as such. But doesn’t the fact that they are making themselves out to be so maligned steal the spotlight from the real victims? What of us who had our umbilical cords mutilated AGAINST OUR WILL? My cord my choice.

These men are visibly shaken about their horrific, traumatic circumcision (that happened before they were conscious enough to remember).

The poor fellas are missing the calamari ring at the tip of their dick like they lost a dog. But the world teaches self-love and these men love every part of themselves. I can only imagine that they keep their toenail clippings in vials, their already-cut hair in preserved braids and their piss, shit and cum in graduated cylinders.

It is important, however, that we address the real issues. The world is full of terrors, and now more than ever, these victims need to be brought to shelter. Circumcision is out there reducing the risk of some STDs in men and these guys are tired of it. Let our men spread STDs through their infected foreskins if they want to! Circumcision is out there protecting against penile cancer and reducing the risk of cervical cancer in females and these guys are sick of it! Let our men get dick cancer and spread it to the womenfolk of the world if they want to!

Of course Barstool has quite the history of covering the movement. And, if you haven’t seen, PFT got woke on these jamokes last summer, but study the facts and make up your own mind. No one wants to be on the wrong side of history.