
Charles Oakley Accepts Dismissal Deal For That Fight At MSG. All Charges Will Be Dropped But Oakley Is Banned From MSG For 1 Year


ESPN- New York Knicks legend Charles Oakley on Friday accepted a deal to have charges stemming from a February incident at Madison Square Garden dismissed, but he left open the possibility of pursuing civil action against team owner James Dolan. Oakley was arrested after a run-in with MSG security on Feb. 8 and charged with two misdemeanors of assault, two misdemeanors of harassment and one misdemeanor of trespassing. On Friday, Oakley was offered a deal — an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal — that will lead to charges being dropped if he stays out of trouble for six months and complies with a condition that prohibits Oakley from trespassing at Madison Square Garden for one year.

Oakley’s attorney, Alex Spiro, said that Oakley “will be pursuing all civil remedies against Mr. Dolan based on this incident.”

Shout out to Charles Oakley for being the bigger man and accepting this silly ass dismissal deal from that ugly incident in February. I bet James Dolan would have loved to drag things out in court and waste everybody’s time and tax dollars. But not the Oakman. He is and always has been a man of the people.

Asked why he decided to accept Friday’s deal after rejecting the one in June, Oakley said he wanted to focus on his charity efforts and not waste taxpayers’ money.

Now a pack of orphans gets to eat tonight because Charles Oakley swallowed his pride and accepted some baloney deal that dismisses all the charges. It doesn’t sound like there is any guilty or not guilty verdict at the end of all this. Just no charges being filed as long as Oak keeps his nose clean for 6 months and doesn’t go to Madison Square Garden for a year. Basically the easiest agreement anyone has ever agreed to. Charles Oakley is already the baddest dude on the planet, so nobody is going to fuck with him ever, let alone in the next six months. And banning Oak from MSG for a calendar year is basically doing him a favor. I don’t imagine Oakley is a Rangers season ticket holder and you can go to concerts at the Barclays Center or a million other places in the Tri-State Area. The one thing Oakley will be missing out on during this ban is live Knicks games, which is like banning someone from bashing in their skull with a hammer.

So now the clock starts on the Oakman’s deal. It is now 183 days until he can chokeslam James Dolan through a flaming table and 366 days until he can chokeslam James Dolan through a flaming table at Madison Square Garden.