
Whatever The Carolina Panthers' Social Media Team Makes, Double It

We’re currently in the dog days of summer. July is the time of the year on the sports calendar when internet bloggers are forced to write about nonsense like “Ice Soccer” just because there’s nothing else better going on. We’re still a little ways away from training camp and with nothing of importance besides NBA signings to talk about, the Carolina Panthers’ social team decided to spend the last 3 days constructing a meme. Now if you read that sentence to your grandfather, he’d probably punch you in the dick. Or the clit, girls can be reading this website too and I don’t mean to offend. Regardless, you’re getting punched in the genital region if you told your grandfather the biggest news in the NFL this week was the Carolina Panthers Twitter account unveiling a 3-day long internet meme. But when you actually go back and check it out, well, it’s worthy of some applause.










It’s one thing to have the idea in the first place. But to then go ahead and spend the next 3 days executing it? That takes a combination of dedication and determination that you’d like to see out of your starting quarterback. At some point or another, you’d expect the Panthers’ Twitter team to make a business decision and say it’s not worth it to keep up this gimmick. But no. They persevered and were rewarded in the end.

Now we just wait and see what player on the Panthers has been suspended that they’re trying to distract us from.
