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Dumb People On The Internet Are Outraged Gal Gadot Was Only Paid $300K For Wonder Woman

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Not gonna go on a rant or anything because I’ve got places to go and people to see but just wanted to chime in for a second on the viral story sweeping the Twittersphere today.  Outrage machine hurtling through the internet at full speed over the Wonder Woman vs. other MAN superheroes pay gap.  Hilariously misleading headlines all over the place.

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Of course anyone with even an ounce of critical thinking and reasoning knows that big ass number* everyone is using for Cavill includes a shit load of bonuses for box office performance and bumps on the back end, and knows Gadot’s $300K is just her base salary from her original deal for DC Universe movies.  A base salary that is, almost universally, dead-on in line with every other actor in similar spots.

Know who else got paid less than $500K for their first superhero role?

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Chris Hemsworth: $200K for Thor 1.

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Robert Downey Jr – $500K for Iron Man 1.

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$300K is the base salary Chris Evans got for Captain America.

Gal Gadot was a relatively unknown actress getting a starring role in a franchise film.  Franchise takes off, you make a shitload of money on the sequels.  It’s literally the exact playbook for superhero movies.  You do the first one and then you start making bank.   Katey Rich and Rebecca Keegan at Vanity Fair think Gadot could be the first woman paid $50 million in a superhero movie for Wonder Woman 2 when that gets negotiated.

I’m SURE there are a hundred examples of a wage gap, pay inequality, a glass ceiling, all of the above in Hollywood.  Find and talk about those instead of manipulating dumb people with clickbaity tweetable quotes.  If Gal Gadot gets replaced by Tom Hardy or Ryan Gosling for Wonder Woman 2 then we’ll be on to something here.   Until then stop being so lazy.

*Should be noted the $14 million figure for Cavill is virtually unconfirmed and originated from that janky ass “The Richest” site that lists every celebrity’s “net worth.”  It’s been widely disputed.

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Additional fun fact, Vulture sources say Cavill was actually paid 6 figures for Man Of Steel – less than Amy Adams.