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High School Basketball Coaches Fired For Using A School Bus To Go On A Beer Run

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TULSA, Oklahoma – Tishomingo High School is looking for two new boys basketball coaches after the district fired last season’s coaches for using a school bus to buy beer. A school board member says it happened while the coaches were out of town with the team at a basketball camp at Connors State College. A store clerk told officials at Connors State the coaches drove the school bus to the nearby convenience store to buy beer. The college does not allow alcohol on campus.

Was that wrong? Should the coaches not have done that? I gotta tell, they should plead ignorance on this one. If anyone had told them that kind of thing was frowned upon they wouldn’t have done it. Cause I bet it doesn’t state anywhere in their handbook that they can’t take the school bus on a beer run. I do not see what’s wrong with this whatsoever. It’s simple. They needed beer. They needed a vehicle because they were on the road at camp. The school bus was there. Boom. Beer run in a school bus. If anything, it was logical. how big of a nerd is that store clerk who ratted them out? I bet he’s fun at parties. That’s assuming he’s even been invited to a party in his life which the chances are slim to none. He’s for sure the type of guy who became an RA in college just so he could get people in trouble for drinking in their dorm rooms. Fuck that guy. Let these coaches live. Let them drink beer. They have to watch over a bunch of high school kids. That’s gotta be stressful as hell. Give them their jobs back too.