
Odell Beckham Wore Shoes Calling Out ESPN, TMZ, And The New York Post


1 Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. held a relatively cordial press conference for more than 11 minutes on Tuesday afternoon. Apparently, Beckham expressed his feelings for the media on his feet during practice earlier in the day.

Beckham wore white cleats with the names of several news outlets printed in black, including ESPN, TMZ, the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. The names were either X-ed out or covered by the word “Shhhhh!!!” in red ink.

Look at Odell coming at the heads of all of his #haterz. I fucking love it! The people in the media want to keep playing Choose Your Own Adventure about his personal life and he finally had enough. They say actions speak louder than words. But they also say shoes speak louder than actions and those shoes are playing Ether at a a billion decibels.

I don’t blame Odell one bit. No matter what ODB does, there is going to be a story about it. Whether he is out to dinner with a group of celebs or sitting out a voluntary training session like other players have skipped in the past. And when there is nothing that is going on, they will conjure up some bullshit just to get some clicks or sell some rags.

I mean look at how the Daily News treated him this morning.

All Odell did yesterday was show up for OTAs like he said he would and talk about how he wants to be a Giant for the rest of his career. Better make room on the Air Tabloid 2.0s for the Daily News because they are getting the big red X next.

Now if Odell wants to wear a shoe for the media outlets that don’t promote #FakeNews or #AlternativeFacts and instead promote one of the greatest athletes in the universe, let me know. I’m sure Millmore and Welker can make the sexiest pair of Barstool cleats the world has ever seen. We are already in the jersey business. Why not go all in on apparel and put Phil Knight’s ass on notice.

By the way, roughhhh look for ESPN and The Wall Street Journal getting placed on those shoes. Growing up I always thought ESPN and WSJ were real deal journalism. Now they are being lumped in with two tabloid titans (yeah that alliteration was on purpose, nbd). Maybe some fair and unbiased reporting would improve their standing in Odell’s and the public’s eyes.

And now your Moment of Ben.