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Carson Wentz Is Graciously Visiting Kids Battling Cancer, Could One Day Be Up For Sainthood

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Saint Wentz. Father Carson. Ginger Jesus. It all has a fine ring to that bell. You gotta love and respect any athlete or famous person taking time out of their day for this kind of cause. Obviously all the T’s and P’s go out to Lukas Kusters and his family during this difficult time. That kid needs to kick cancer right in the balls because we NEED “The Dutch Destroyer” in action on the gridiron. That nickname is way too badass to not be a great football player.

But props to Wentz and the Eagles for bringing light into Lukas’ and his family’s days (even though for some reason nobody is blowing Jordan Hicks for doing the exact same thing solely because he didn’t post it to social media, but I digress). Hopefully Saint Wentz gave the kid his famous game worn Jesus Cleats to bring about a miracle.

For real though, be well, Lukas. Cancer SUCKS. Especially when it unfortunately strikes the little ones. If you can, throw a few dollars over to the St. Jude Children’s Hospital Research. Anything helps, no matter how little. #FUCKCANCER