
Dubai Brought Their A+ Game In Paying Tribute To The Manchester Victims

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For every act of evil, there are hundreds of acts of good. Always. You show me a terror attack, I’ll show you a hundred of stories of good, normal, compassionate people risking themselves, sacrificing their time, their money, their blood, their safety to bring those in harm some aid, some help, some resources, some treatment. We’re a day and a half removed from the Manchester attack and we’re already hearing stories of homeless men running in to save children, cab drivers giving free rides to anybody they can find, local residents and hotels taking in dozens of lost children separated from their friends and families, blood donors pouring in in record numbers. It’s incredible.

And of course, tributes across the globe. And nobody’s bringing the tribute heat like Dubai. I’m not an electronics expert but I have no idea how you pull this off on such short notice. I guess this is just a giant projection? Most beautiful British flag I’ve ever seen. So blue. So red. So defined. So damn tall.

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Tribute was paid all over the world.



Tel Aviv.


Empire State Building and Eiffel Tower went dark.


Hong Kong.

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Abu Dhabi.


Heart’s going out all week to everyone in Manchester. Fuck terrorism.