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A Woman Filming At A Drive Thru 'To Do A Lawsuit' Who Was Refused Service Is The Most Honest Awful Human Being Ever

I’ll say up front: This is obviously not a smart woman in case the phrase “do a lawsuit” in the headline did not make that clear. But goddammit if she isn’t self aware. Here’s an exact quote I needed to transcribe from the video at around 5:20 because it perfectly sums up all of the people I’ve blogged in these types of videos:

“I’m not saying I have class…I’m a asshole and I’m gonna admit it, I’m an ass. I’m ignorant, yes. Am I classy? No. Am I a bitch? Maybe. Am I dumb for doing this? Yes. Do I care? No. Do you want me to name the list more?”

She has to be the most self-aware version of the kind of idiot who’d make this much trouble because they have so little going in their lives. She’s still a dunce in case her bevy of moronic rhetorical questions and answers didn’t make that clear, but I have to give her credit for at least acknowledging what a complete waste of everyone’s time and effort this was. And at the end of the video she says she’s only 27 years old! Can you imagine giving up on life so much that you’re willing to go to these lengths and waste these minimum wage workers’ time, your family’s time, and seemingly a lawyer’s time when she files her very necessary lawsuit? I get I can’t ever fully relate to the struggles of a 27-year-old mother of teenagers bitching out an Oklahoma ice cream place but jesus lady get a hobby or anything else to give you some sense of purpose in life.

Also I don’t normally like to judge people who might be wanting to better their life butttttt this chick being built like that with that attitude wearing “workout clothes” then going to load up on ice cream is not the most shocking pairing in the world. Then again to attain a body like that eating gobs of ice cream is the equivalent of sets on the bench press for a non-gelatinous person so the gym clothes may be a necessity.

PS Good job by this employee sensing a viral video afoot and making the most of his time on camera: