
Much To My Chagrin, Elon Musk And Amber Heard Are Fucking

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Gross. Get a room. The only good part about this is that it’ll end in a disaster. No relationship that gets announced on Instagrams lasts. Especially in a cutesy way like this. Anybody rooting for this relationship is also rooting for all of the relationships on Facebook that starts the same way. You don’t wanna be on the wrong side of history with this one. This thing doesn’t stand a chance. Amber Heard just got done suckling on the nipple of Johnny Depp so now she’s onto the next one. Unfortunately it’s that empty-promise giver (and also billionaire) Elon Musk. I’m sure he promised her all types of shit just so she’d go out with him. Probably promised he’d give her the first robot brain if she let him smash. That’s how he rolls. Lie lie lie lie until he gets what he wants. Here’s the silver lining though. I hope they get married and she takes all his money 18 months later. Just leaves him dead ass broke.