
North Korea Fucked Up Another Missile Launch Like The Idiots They Are


Business InsiderNorth Korea attempted to fire a missile Sunday, but it blew up within seconds.

It happened one day after the anniversary of the country’s founding.

While North Korea’s missile program may be the shadowiest on earth, it’s possible that US cyber warriors were the reason for the failed launch.

A recent New York Times report uncovered a secret operation to derail North Korea’s nuclear-missile program that has been raging for at least three years.

Essentially, the report attributes North Korea’s high rate of failure with Russian-designed missiles to the US meddling in the country’s missile software and networks.

So North Korea conducted another shitty, embarrassing failure of a missile launch over the weekend. Surprise surprise. That’s really not news because they’re incompetent and do this every week but it is ALWAYS worth mentioning so we can point and laugh at them. A tradition unlike any other.

The latest breathe of fresh air in this tradition is that this North Korean fuck up — and many others over the years — was brought on by our cyber ninjas hacking their shit. American hack team. This adds a fun little “U-S-A!” wrinkle and leads of course to the most obvious question of all time: Is being a hacker whose job is to fuck up North Korea’s missile launches the easiest job in the world?

That’s like if your job is to make sure the Minnesota Wild don’t win a playoff series. Yeah ok boss I better get grinding. Lemme log those overtime hours. You don’t even lift a finger you just let North Korea be North Korea and boom, you’re swimming in performance bonuses. This hacker’s receiving cyber medals of honor and he’s never logged into his computer. Doesn’t know his password. Here I thought Glenny had the easiest job in the world but we’ve got the guy who’s in charge of making sure North Korea’s missile tests fail chilling on a beach refreshing his bank account balance every time North Korea rolls out a new missile. What a gig.