
John Legend Stops In Train Station To Play The Piano And Everyone Swoons/Cums

People who can play the piano and sing are absolute bullshit. If I could play and sing, I’d be doing exactly what John Legend is.

“Oh you have a piano in the back of this JC Penny’s? That’s wonderful. Mind if I play a small six-hour set to have people in a daze and fainting all over the joint?”

Of course they wouldn’t mind. Chaps on the ivories? Are you kidding me? That’s the chance of a lifetime. People would be snapchatting, tweeting, posting on their friends’ facebook walls. Chaps Concert would be trending on various social media platforms. People would start posting me on periscope and trying to turn my selfless kindness into personal profit. Eventually, it would start to bother me because I wish that people would live in the moment rather than holding up their phones to take pictures and videos. It’s frustrating because I’m trying to give these people my gift for free but they want to document it rather than experience it. I grow tired of the rigamarole and refuse to give free concerts anymore. People will say I changed. They’ll say that I’m just in it for the fame and money. That’s not the case. I’ve never been motivated by money. I didn’t change. They did. It pains me to say it but they changed.