
Breaking News: Roger Goodell Says He Will Attend Pats Home Opener




I gotta be honest.  I kind of figured he’d attend this game.  He was gonna wait till hell froze over or the Pats won the Superbowl.   In a way this is him throwing himself at our mercy.  It’s a classic cowards move. Just begging for it to finally be over.   He knows he’s already a broken man.   He knows we already beat him.    The second we hoisted the Lombardi Trophy everything changed.  I still think he’s Hitler, but my hate sort of subsided with our complete and utter victory.  I’ll still boo him as hard as I can, but I won’t preach violence anymore.  I wouldn’t tell people to spit on him anymore.  He’s not even worth my saliva.  He’s a vanquished opponent.   He is tucking his tail between his legs and coming crawling back to Gillette.   There is nothing brave about this move.  It is classic Goodell in every sense of the word.  I’ll have my clown shirt and my lungs ready but it’s hard to have the same vitriol when you are champions of the world and he knows it.