
Cavs Fan Tries And Fails To Eat More Chicken Nuggets Than Points Scored By The Denver Nuggets











First of all let me just say that I am thankful Knicks Twitter doesn’t do any silly shit like this. Laughing at our own dysfunctional franchise/wallowing in misery is more than enough entertainment for me. I also am playing the long con on the destruction of my body. Snacks and complex carbs for decades. I don’t need to suck down 100+ nuggets for some Twitter hashtag to bump up the Grim Reaper’s arrival time.

That being said, this kid did it all wrong. First of all, as any Stoolie knows, you never underestimate the thin air in Denver. If one team is used to running up and down the floor in that altitude, they are going to get buckets. If this was in Cleveland, the entire dynamic of the matchup changes.

Second you need to do some research into the numbers. And I’m not talking some crazy Daryl Morey analytics shit. Look up Denver’s points per game.


And the amount of points per game the Cavs give up.


If you STILL want to go through with the challenge after seeing those numbers, make sure all the stars, especially LeBron, are playing (they did). If you are going to do a nuggets challenge, you have to make sure that you can eat AT LEAST 100 nuggets plus a healthy amount of condiments. You can’t be eating dozens upon dozens of nuggets raw dog.

Based on the fact Stephan has a chin, not chins, I would have told him to jump ship before he even set sail. Some things are just not worth the Likes and Retweets, even though having your mentions blow up is an intoxicating feeling which can’t feel that much different than mainlined heroin.

The one thing I will not blame Stephan for was his nuggets of choice. At first I thought he was loco for not going Wendy’s, McDonald’s, or Chick-Fil-A. But his logic made sense for sure.



You absolutely, positively CANNOT ruin nuggets for yourself from any of those three spots. BK nuggets are just a nice add-on in my book. The other three you can build a franchise/value meal on.

Grade: C+ for effort, F for execution

(For the eating, not the blog. Maybe the blog too, I don’t know).