
Paul Ryan Whips Out A Damn PowerPoint To Explain New Healthcare To America




When all else fails hit ‘em with the damn PowerPoint. That’s really the end all be all of explanatory methods. Like you can be confused as fuck about something for a long time but the minute someone puts it into a PowerPoint, boom, you got it. You’re ready to rock. You sit back like “ahhhh yes this PowerPoint makes it so clear. Now that you’ve pointed to several bar graphs and put keywords into large font inside colorful boxes I’m all in.”

Don’t understand something? Just ask PowerPoint.

The Republican’s plan to repeal and replace Obamacare cleared has cleared its first couple hurdles. After 18 hours of hearings it made it through the House Ways and Means Committee. It’s got a long way to go and still needs to be scored by the Congressional Budget Office to see how much it costs and how many folks it will cover, but it’s cleared that hurdle.

Also just this afternoon, after 27 hours of debate, the House Energy and Commerce Committee too cleared the plan. It’s unclear if a Paul Ryan PowerPoint was required to do so.

Shoutout to Donnie for also helping clarify any confusion.

PS — Also in my twitter “PowerPoint” search I saw this tweet and laughed.