
Brandon Marshall Cut, Richardson Trade Up Next. The Jets Are Cleaning House

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The Jets actually offered B Marsh an extension but nobody in his position has any interest in playing for this team the next few years. Mangold, Revis, Marshall gone. A Richardson trade absolutely looming. This team is cleaning house, shedding millions, and rebuilding. Which, of course, is exactly what they should be doing.

The only problem is theres absolutely no hope that the rebuild goes well. They’ll pull the trigger on one of the short term veteran QB options on the free agent market to only extend this miserable run at the bottom of the dumpster. At the very best, if a miracle occurs, they’ll be stuck in shitty football purgatory. Because they’re the New York Jets. The decision to rebuild is the obvious and easy one. Its just the way they execute the rebuild that will be an atrocity. A string of bad decisions that will most likely be done to garner headlines, and a string of a couple good decisions that would work out for almost any other team in the league but will go absolutely go terribly for us because…they’re the New York Jets. Right moves, wrong moves, they all end up leading right back to the same dumpster.

Because we’re the New York Jets.

PS – Dont you dare come at me with the “How’d the Black Cloud move work out for you?” nonsense. The 1500 yards he put up 2 years ago and the potential that was there for a microscopic second was still worth a 5th round pick.