
Cash Me Ousside Girl Is Now Taking Shots At Kylie Jenner And This May Be Where I Draw The Line With Her

So I took a little week break from blogging about Cash Me Ousside girl after she was on Dr Phil for the good of us all. It really wasn’t that easy to do because the chick just makes blog hits, I’m pretty sure TMZ has a personal paparazzi following her around at all times. Just last week she hired personal bodyguards and fought off Hanes in a lawsuit over her merch. And I really do respect how good she, her mom, and whatever “team” she has in place are making her famous with constant attention, over 5 million Instagram followers now, and just generally getting this relatively untalented girl out there as many ways as possible.

For the most part I’m in on seeing how the Cash Me Ousside girl experiment turns out. Watch that full interview above with the radio show and tell me that isn’t quality trash talk and content. This girl is absolutely the worst possible outcome of raising a child in America and overall she’s teetering on a social experiment of what you’d expect when you raise a child in Florida on a diet of nothing but trap music, white trash living, and Worldstar. But to me that’s what makes this whole story so interesting to see. Fame and talent haven’t been directly correlated for the last 20 years with the rise of reality TV culture and now you’re seeing the purest form of it, a teenager being paraded out there because she’s the most violent and entertaining and well-produced version of what you’d expect from the worst of humanity. And people are EATING IT UP, how can you not be curious to see how she turns out in the next few years?

But coming after my personal favorite Kylie Jenner? A bridge too far. That’s the GOAT when it comes to accomplishing everything without ever really doing anything. She turned her sister fucking a R&B singer on tape into one of the hottest selling makeup companies, she lives a life 99% of women would dream of, and she rations out showing off her perfect body piece by piece publicly as part of a marketing strategy. She has millions of women sweating her every move, wishing they could be her and trying to recreate her life however they can. You could even say she and her sister Kendall singlehandedly brought nipple rings from the scummy dungeons of tattoo shops to the mainstream. Those are real accomplishments in a sector of fame in which those are few and far between.

If you come at the queen you best not miss. And when you’re a barely literate teen pretender to the throne of Kylie, you’re better off serving the crown rather than trying to steal it for yourself. You’ve made powerful enemies today, Cash Me Ousside girl (though I’ll forgive you the next time you do something dumb, public, and bloggable).


