
This Dude Attempting To Crack An 80-Foot Whip Is Oddly Mesmerizing (Especially When He Hits Himself With It)

Did we just watch a deleted scene from Napoleon Dynamite? Pretty sure we did. That’s the vibe I got from that. A scene where Napoleon, Kip and Uncle Rico test out an 80-foot whip in the backyard would’ve fit seamlessly into that movie. Seamlessly. It’s gotta be a weird point in a man’s life where he says to himself, “You know what? I’m gonna buy an 80-foot whip and give it a try. Let’s do this.” After his first attempt I was convinced we were about to watch a guy decapitate himself. That had self decapitation written all over it. I was just waiting for it to whip back at him in an unexpected way and slice his melon clean off. Probably wouldn’t be on YouTube at that point but whatever. THEN HE DID IT AGAIN AN AGAIN and of course it eventually bit him. I’m not the smartest guy but, after that first snap, I would know that I’m not down with ropes that are 80 feet long. The fact that he kept it going is a testament to just how stupid he is.