
Terrific Masshole Creates An Honest "Real People, Not Actors" Video

Tremendous. This guy had me from the first line with “I don’t shake hands.” Put a masshole in one of these stupid, saccharine commercials and I’m having a great Friday. Turtle emoji, hating the taco guy, “Is this a ford focus?” and the poop emoji because it’s a piece of shit = gold.

As some of you have noticed, I did some commercial acting to pay the bills before signing my colossal Barstool contract. To pull back the curtain, whenever you see the “real people, not actors” tag, it’s bullshit. These companies are able to circumvent false advertising issues by recruiting actors but not scripting them. They satisfy the “real people, not actors” tag because actors are real people, and if they’re not scripted, they’re not technically acting. The actors are brought in to a studio where they quickly figure out what product they’re “reacting” to, and they exaggerate their praise because they want to be hired again by the producer. It’s the same premise around which most reality TV shows are built. While the subjects aren’t technically being told what to do, they have a pretty good idea of what’s expected of them. And for the sake of further paychecks, they’re happy to oblige.