
Fat, Useless, And Washed Up Fuck Chris Christie Calls Eagles Fans "Angry, Awful People"


PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Chris Christie is back at it. The New Jersey Governor has never been shy about expressing his fandom for the Dallas Cowboys and while co-hosting with former WIP employee Craig Carton on WFAN’s Boomer And Carton Show, Christie ripped Eagles fans. “I understand why people are interested if you are a public figure, as to who you root for,” Christie said on WFAN on Wednesday. “They’re interested. But the hostility, I will tell you that I take for being a Cowboys fan — and this is what I say to Giants fans all the time, and Eagles fans. Now Eagles fans I understand it from a little more because the Eagles do suck and they’ve sucked for a long time. And their fans are generally angry, awful people.”

Aw, was that headline too harsh? That’s what happens when you throw out generalizations on people you don’t like and don’t know. But I doubt if anyone is actually surprised by Trumps’ former bitchtits making these comments. OF COURSE Chris Christie has this kind of distain towards Eagles fans. He chose to be a Cowboys fan while growing up in Northern NJ. Any Birds fan has the God given right to make him go through hell, and that should stick in him. Hey, if I were a front running fupa representing Jersey but attending an Eagles game in the Dallas box, I’d maybe think the same thing. How exactly are Eagles fans supposed to treat him? Of course he got boo’d, ridiculed, and possibly egged back to the stone age. And rightfully so. We don’t roll out the red carpet for frauds.

He’s not even that wrong with calling Eagles fans awful and angry. Of course we’re fucking discouraged and pissed off. Try walking a mile in our shit, Chumbawumba. Regardless, enjoy the run while it lasts, Gov. Hopefully once you release yourself from the cockmeat sandwich with Jerry Jones you understand it’s going to be tough to get some of these votes back from some South Jersey constituents. Die-hard Eagles fans have disowned family members for less and will back Satan himself before a Cowboys supporter.


PS – Still one of my favorite outrageously fat man photos of all time. Maybe if Chris Christie would finally let Stewie Griffin free from his pants then he’d be a less bitter person.
