
More Smokes Taking Over The Confirmation Hearings!





So we got a Stoolie whose job it is to just watch CSPAN all day. Legit that’s what he does. Calls himself “CSPAN Spectator.” Anyway this morning he emailed me these pics. We’re not sure but rumors are the brunette may be current Oklahoma Attorney General and EPA head nominee Scott Pruitt’s daughter.

And the blonde is apparently this chick.

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This all begs the question: Did Trump make smokes in politics great again? Can’t be a coincidence that Donnie shows up, turns political stages into this:



And then wallah, all the cabinet confirmation hearings turn into this:



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Our trusty Editor-In-Chief said it best on May 4th. Political Strategist Kmarko coming for DC’s ass.

Honestly never seen anything like it, definitely not in the political world. The establishment getting rocked by a legitimate stable of thoroughbred smokeshows trotted out onto the stage one after another.

And I don’t care what the numbers and polls and projections say, Hillary better start getting prayers up when it comes to the Red Blooded American Male with Two Eyes and Working Vision vote.

Turning Washington into my boy Charlie Wilson’s world. Love it.
