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Tex Just Boxed The Bills Mafia Barstool Idol Contestant And Became A Legend

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Full Appearance On Barstool Radio:

What just went down on Barstool Idol will live in internet infamy. Tex – the single craziest person I’ve ever met in my life – agreed to box Buffalo Bill (The nickname I’ve decided we’re going with for the Bills Mafia kid on Barstool Idol.) for the sake of content. Tex weighs 160 pounds. Buffalo Bill weighs TWO FORTY EIGHT. Tex went toe to toe with that big son of a bitch like he had the advantage.

Tex boxed in jeans and cowboy boots. Three rounds, 30 seconds each. Round 1 mercilessly ended after 22 seconds. Round 2 ended after we officially threw in the towel. Buffalo Bill landed an uppercut directly on the jaw and it was a wrap.

Make no mistake about it, he got absolutely demolished. Most definitely has a concussion. For sure needs stitches. Absolutely did not even come close to winning this fight. But his confidence and guts was something straight out of a Rocky movie. It as absolutely spectacular. And the only thing that was more impressive than that was his post-fight quotes:


Due For A W Tex. Internet legend.