
Mike Tyson Is Going To Train Chris Brown For His Boxing Match Vs Soulja Boy

First of all I’m going to assume this is legitimate training, three months in the gym with precious few days off, maybe Chris Brown carrying some logs on his back across the Siberian wilderness, and definitely not a publicity stunt because someone is throwing Mike Tyson $25,000 for one night’s work and a few tweets promoting this “fight.” Mike Tyson is clearly a man of high moral fiber so we can take him at his word.

And yeah it’s definitely a bit of an awful look to stick confirmed-woman beater Chris Brown with convicted-sexual assaulter Mike Tyson when you’re some loosely sanctioned boxing competition but for something as sketchy as a fight between Brown and Soulja Boy, any attention is good attention. The whole thing is nothing more than a freak show and the more freaks you get in, the more you’ll ironically capture the attention of all the media types who’ll tweet about it and then the regular people who’ll tune in because why the fuck not? Tyson and Brown might be a better pairing for an openweight intergender match versus Rihanna or maybe a handicap match vs the Fifth Harmony chicks, sure, but as far as marketing goes there’s no way the chance of even a brief training montage with Mike Tyson doesn’t get a few extra eyes on this joke of a fight.

Oh and more good news: Floyd Mayweather will be in Soulja Boy’s corner. The more I hear about this event, scheduled to go down in Vegas in March, the more I can’t help but think that if I’m a ring girl there, my head’s on a swivel 24/7 the moment you get to the casino until the second you get back on the plane. Gotta be ready to run like a chick in Texas Chainsaw Massacre at any moment with that squad around.