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10/10 Would Enjoy Canadian Skeet Shooting

While major international tournaments may create a rivalry between the United States and Canada, I’ll always admit to loving those goofy bastards up North. And it’s for reasons just like this. Life is just so simple up there. Like think about your day today. You probably woke up to snow, hated every second of clearing off your car before you could hate every second of commuting to work where you could hate every second of your job before you can leave for the weekend. But in Canada they just say fuck it. They just load up the truck with guns and sticks and everything else they need, head out to the nearest open field, Todd sauces some clay targets out there and Gordo shoots them down. Probably make a quick pit stop at Timmy’s on the way, grab a rack of Molson on the way home and call it a day. Other than World Junior hockey, they really have life figured out up there.

P.S. – Add this to the list of Most Canadian Things of All Time. Right up there with these two gems.



h/t BarDown
