
I'm Not Sure How I Feel About This Orangutan Kissing A Pregnant Woman's Belly

So that’s heartwarming and all but I feel like a big issue is going to arise now that people aren’t talking about. I’m not well-versed in orangutan behavior but doesn’t that orangutan think that baby in that belly is his baby now? I’m pretty sure that’s how the animal kingdom works. That orangutan kissed that pregnant lady’s belly and now he thinks father duties have been transferred from the human father to him. That’s science. And that orangutan will stop at nothing to care for it’s newly-adopted child. I’d bet my life that that orangutan is going to flip out, kill a member of the zoo staff and try to escape here in the next couple of weeks. Bet on it. Orangutans/monkeys (those are the same thing, right?) are smart enough to wanna care for their offspring but just dumb enough to think that kissing a pregnant human’s belly makes that baby theirs. That’s a deadly combination. All I’m saying is they need to keep a close eye on that orangutan/maybe shoot it in the face before it freaks out. That’s all I’m saying.